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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Simulation Reflection Essay Example
Reproduction Reflection Paper This paper is a reflection on three reproductions as each identifies with key arranging. The primary reproduction, â€Å"Thinking Strategically,†features the significance of ecological checking. The subsequent recreation, â€Å"Developing Grand Strategies,†tested choices made for an organization which lead to compelling methodology plan and decisions. The third reproduction, â€Å"Creating a Strategic Road Map,†gave a recreated understanding of how to assemble a key guide concentrating on the significance and adequacy of planning activity plans and objectives. This intelligent methodology will pass on the exercises learned comparative with the significance and viability of the key learning focuses got through every recreation. The difficulties looked by vital organizers will be examined from the revelations of exercises learned in the three reenactments. Ecological filtering gives the chance to nitty gritty understanding for a company’s current situation just as wanted situation in the business. Examining disclosures furnish the organization with attention to alerts indications of outside conditions confronting contenders and the economy. As appeared in the reproduction, â€Å"Thinking Strategically,†natural examining urges an organization to assess and advance a suitable vision and an improved ability to read a compass for all partners. The data accumulated in an ecological output, additionally gives the organization future patterns information. This disclosure data can caution organization authorities of the rising or declining of patterns not too far off. The reproduction utilized a SWOT investigation as a successful apparatus of ecological checking. We will compose a custom article test on Simulation Reflection explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Simulation Reflection explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Simulation Reflection explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer An investigation of qualities and shortcomings is acquired through inside sources, while, openings and dangers data is gotten remotely. All SWOT factors are basic for the company’s fruitful technique. Investigations of each including a coordinated pair examination are fundamental in deciding the future possibilities of the given business and building up a particular industry specialty. In the recreation, the bicycle organization, BJ’s, constructed a business on children of post war America. BJ’s brand picture is intended for male extraordinary bikers. Be that as it may, ladies involve practically 50% of the biking business. BJ’s recognize key methodology ideas by the utilization of SWOT examination to accomplish the drawn out vision of turning into the top positioning strength bike retailer regarding income in the following five years. The way to deal with increment showcasing endeavors towards ladies, including employing female experts, is the most sensible in a worldwide domain where women’s sports and physicality is picking up in prevalence. Filtering one’s condition makes a more clear worldwide representation and altogether impacts all choices essential for ideal business results. All through the reenactment, the essential exercise learned was the benefit of utilizing different wellsprings of data and suggestions that such can have on results of vital arranging. BJ’s and any given organization can profit through utilizing material relating to measurable examinations corresponding to verifiable information picked up from earlier long periods of activity reports. For instance, industry, populace, age, race, and geographic territories can isolate this data and areas to help with settling on very much educated choices. The consequences of such investigation can give an unmistakable bearing important to expanding key arrangement structures. This assessment will help organizations in seeing how to best support against contending rehearses by knowing the proper objective crowd and building organization openings planned luxuriously to draw in such buyers, customers and representatives. â€Å"The two most conspicuous wellsprings of upper hand can be found in the businesss cost structure and its capacity to separate the business from competitors,†(Pearce and Robinson, Ch. 7). Without natural checking, vital organizers will offer data to organizations indiscriminately. Minor inner data can be helpful for organization social concerns, however the outside data can demonstrate progressively valuable dependent on industry principles. The cost of the modern investigation reports may appear to be unrestrained, yet when practiced appropriately are entirely important for organizations hoping to outperform rivalry. This reproduction infers a one time assessment suits the organization, yet as Sam Harrison states in his article about Finding Ideas that Make a Difference, Never quit making. Explore constantly. Appreciate constantly, (Journal of Business Strategy, 2008). The subsequent recreation, â€Å"Developing Grand Strategies,†was centered around the improvement of a fantastic technique for an organization. An exercise learned has been the capacity to apply logical apparatuses and ideas to help in the improvement of key arranging. The toy organization, Oz, was the third biggest toy fabricating organization in the nation. The organization revealed $3. 5 billion in income. Industry reports saw at Oz anticipated that the business bends were leveling. Oz chose to adopt a proactive strategy to build up a fantastic procedure that was appropriate to the business reports. â€Å"Strategies, that include appropriation of new advancements, additionally have sweet spots. Associating with the correct system at the ideal time upheld with the correct assets will deliver the most ideal results,†(Oliver, 2002). Oz needs a proactive key reaction to an industry circumstance affected by combination among producers. Asian imports that have prompted an inundation of modest toys and changes in patterns, for example, the expanding buy intensity of buyers. The suitable Grand techniques should be chosen dependent on the firm’s quadrant situating in the Grand procedure bunch. A firm’s quadrant position is distinguished utilizing its serious position and the market’s development capacity. The firm’s serious position can be distinguished utilizing a SWOT grid and industry report. The business report additionally can uncover whether the market is a moderate development or quick development showcase. The chose Grand Strategies dependent on the firm’s quadrant situating helps in choosing the right activity intend to meeting the firm’s objectives. On the off chance that the techniques are off base, the firm’s activity plans may not be exact and may not help the firm gathering its objectives. Building up a dream and figuring out what is basic for the business will help in settling on key business choices. In encountering the Grand Strategy with Oz, the methodology utilized is because of the inside and outer states of the business methodical procedures. As the organization expands on qualities and shortcomings, the procedure is to make and continue an upper hand. In the event that a potential open door emerges, the open door ought to be reliable with what is â€Å"important to the qualities (and vision) of the business. The key point in a business technique is making sense of what you won't do, not exactly what you are going to do,†(The Bangkok Post, 2002). The Grand Strategy Cluster is the perfect stage for the choice of fitting Grand Strategy. Related to the Grand Strategy Cluster, the SWOT Matrix assists with recognizing a company’s position. Qualities and Weaknesses in the SWOT lattice show the firm’s inner face. Openings and Threats show the firm’s outside face. The SWOT framework is essential to recognize the firm’s serious situating. The Grand methodology bunch is critical to choose the methodologies dependent on the firm’s serious position and the market’s development ability. Vital organizers can utilize the stupendous methodology group to get ready for proper present moment and long haul exercises applicable to the organization. Be that as it may, utilization of the fabulous system bunch could prompt more prominent difficulties in picking the correct technique in reality. On the off chance that the market is changing excessively quick, concentrating on one strategy can get hard to distinguish the perfect system. On the off chance that outside dangers exist highly involved with executing a methodology, the firm may think that its hard to change rapidly to address the dangers. Likewise, the firm’s objective of keeping the investors cheerful may strife with a portion of the chose systems. The investors and the market may not consider some to be the methodologies as positive. For instance, the firm may get a kick out of the chance to exchange a business work considering its Grand methodology group quadrant situating while the investors and the market may think about it as an unseemly procedure. Now and again, the key organizers might not have sufficient information to settle on a proper choice. Organizers may need to make suspicions in case of inaccessibility of information and the presumptions might not be right and may make issues. The above are a portion of the difficulties for vital organizers while choosing the correct methodology. In taking a gander at the â€Å"Creating a Strategic Road Map†reproduction, there were a few exercises applied in regards to the significance and viability of the detailing of activity plans and objectives. The reason for the definition of activity plans and objectives are designed for long haul organization targets. From the recreation, ConstructWell is the main supplier in the specific development administration concentrating on business and framework sections in North America. The organization overwhelmed the biggest development showcase. Hierarchical achievement made the organization defenseless for a takeover by a bigger company. ConstructWell chooses to set long haul destinations that countered the take
Friday, August 21, 2020
Major Cultural Sporting Events and It’s Benefits
This paper will assess the advantages and disadvantages of Glastonbury Festival to the nearby network. It will for the most part center around the financial effect on the neighborhood network of Glastonbury, Pilton and Mendip however will likewise analyze the social effect of the celebration. â€Å"Festivals might be intermittent occasions (at interims of a time of progressively, for example, Glastonbury or coincidental issues like the Armada festivities of 1988. A celebration might be over in a day, an end of the week or last a fortnight or more. Most celebrations incorporate related exercises, regardless of whether they a predominately one fine art in concept†(Waters, 1989, pp 57). Glastonbury Festival could be portrayed as a multicultural celebration, as characterized by Wilson and Udall (1982, pp 4-6, refered to in Hall, 1992, pp 26) who express that multicultural celebrations are, â€Å"festivals speaking to the social materials of numerous societies. With scarcely any special cases, crowds will in general be individuals who are not of the way of life introduced. Coordinators will in general be scholastics or varied fanatics of the society expressions with the control of the occasions prone to be in the hands of a non-benefit foundation. Glastonbury Festival gives most of their benefits to admirable missions and pulls in an assorted scope of various individuals and societies, from the people fan to the raver. Glastonbury Festival for Contemporary Performing Arts was begun by the proprietor of Worthy Farm, Michael Eavis, in 1970 and has kept on developing every year from that point forward, with the 2000 celebration drawing in more than 150,000 individuals (BBC, 2002). Glastonbury Festival is currently one of the most notable celebrations on the planet â€Å"†¦this celebration is presently a multi-media, universal event†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Avon and Somerset Constabulary, 2002). Lobby (1992) features a portion of the advantages to the neighborhood network of facilitating a celebration, he says â€Å"undoubtedly, celebrations and projects of extraordinary occasions give chances to networks to grow the business sectors of existing firms and pull in new organizations and business interests, and maybe raise the general appeal of the zones as spots to settle. In any case, â€Å"the nature of effects differs with the age and status of the occasion and the size of the network in which it takes place†(Wall and Mitchell, 1989, p132, refered to in Hall, 1992, pp 47). An occasion, for example, Glastonbury Festival, in any case, may not pull in the kind of individuals or organizations that the neighborhood inhabitants would favor of and this could make clashes inside the nearby network. There is a lot of help for Glastonbury Festival from the neighborhood network who profit by it from numerous points of view, which will be talked about later on in this article. The Glastonbury Tourist Information Center show their help for the celebration on their site, â€Å"The town of Glastonbury has picked up tremendously from its relationship with the Glastonbury Festival. Specifically, PTA gatherings, Carnival Clubs, playschools, neighborhood noble cause and organizations are among the numerous associations that have profited by its prosperity. Accordingly we, as a network, might want to show our help for the celebration and say thanks to Michael Eavis for presenting to every one of us such a superb occasion. †(Glastonbury TIC, 2002). In any case, there are likewise various neighborhood inhabitants who are against the celebration because of the issues brought about by the amount and nature of those joining in. These perspectives will likewise be talked about later on in this article by surveying the minutes of the gathering by Mendip District Council for the 2002 permit application. Glastonbury Festivals Ltd. (GFL) have given a lot of data with regards to how the celebration monetarily benefits the nearby network. A rundown of this data will follow. Altogether, from January 2000 to December 2000, GFL gave ? 703,158. 97 to different beneficent associations around the world. Of the aggregate sum, ? 289,613. 72 is given to neighborhood causes. These nearby causes differ from jamboree clubs and schools to different donning clubs, a considerable lot of which depend on financing from the celebration to proceed. A letter to Mendip District Council (2002), on the side of the celebration, from a nearby youngster states, â€Å"†¦we could free our jamboree on the off chance that he [Michael Eavis] doesn’t do this [Glastonbury Festival], in light of the fact that a ton of jubilee clubs go up there to fund-raise to assemble their buoys that cost thousands to make †¦ and we’ve consistently had Pilton Pop Festival previously. Three cheers to Michael Eavis. †Herbert (2001) states that, â€Å"in reaction to the survey 74 percent of neighborhood occupants asked state that the celebration gives money related subsidizing to nearby causes and schools†. From the data gave by GFL it very well may be seen that it isn't simply through gifts that the neighborhood network is profited monetarily from the celebration yet additionally by an expansion in business at the hour of the celebration. A sum of 316 nearby organizations got  £3,308,625. 78, from January 2000 to December 2000, by direct spending from GFL. This degree of budgetary contribution from GFL is genuinely necessary by nearby firms particularly because of their country area. â€Å"We have a great deal of help locally. The economy depends on the celebration what with the downfall of the farming business. The monetary case is extremely, strong,†said Mr Eavis (BBC, 2002). It is more than likely that, once more, a large number of these nearby organizations depend on the yearly spending from GFL. In any case, it isn't just through direct spending from GFL that nearby organizations advantage. All organizations related with recreation and the travel industry profit by the celebration, from settlement to shops and bars, the publican from the Crown in Pilton stated, â€Å"It was a wonderful lift to exchange, with nothing lost, nothing taken and nothing broken †we didn’t need to close the ways to anyone†(GFL, 2002). In the weeks before the celebration itself, those really setting up the celebration site utilize a considerable lot of these neighborhood pleasantries. An extent of individuals who go to the celebration, including laborers, entertainers and celebration goers, decide not to camp nearby and look to neighborhood lodgings and quaint little inns for their accommodation†(GFL, 2002). Shepton Mallet, Glastonbury and Wells Tourist Information Centers all express that the entirety of the settlement on their books is completely reserved at the hour of the celebration. There are additionally various nearby inhabitants who open their homes in the mood for paying visitors over the celebration time frame. â€Å"As an aftereffect of the celebration along these lines, in overabundance of ? 250,000 is spent in the nearby network on accommodation†(GFL, 2002). Neighborhood carports additionally advantage from the quantity of vehicles showing up nearby at the celebration, â€Å"Mendip District Council cites that there were an aggregate of 57,000 vehicles in the official and informal vehicle leaves in 2000. Huge numbers of these vehicles would have utilized nearby carports for fuel, accepting every vehicle just spent ? 10 this adds up to ? 570,000 spent on fuel†(GFL, 2002). At the 2000 celebration GFL legitimately utilized 1600 individuals, twenty five percent of whom were utilized from the neighborhood. â€Å"Over  £347,175 was spent on nearby business, this added up to over 55% of the absolute monies spent on compensation for the 2000 festival†(GFL, 2002). Neighborhood business additionally profited by having slows down at the 2000 celebration, of the 770 slows down at the celebration fifteen percent were nearby organizations. GFL (2002) states that, â€Å"It is our approach to attempt to oblige neighborhood brokers in inclination to those originating from further a field. †It is obvious to see from the data gave by GFL that they put forth an impressive attempt to include the nearby network however much as could reasonably be expected in the celebration and an enormous extent of the immediate spending and gifts from the benefits go legitimately to the neighborhood network. Glastonbury Festival is a social occasion it can accordingly be said that it can assist with advancing social the travel industry inside the nearby network. Social the travel industry is characterized by The World Tourism Organization (1985, p6, refered to in Hall, 1992 pp 23) as â€Å"movements of people for basically social inspirations, for example, study visits, performing expressions and social visits, travel to celebrations and other social occasions, visits to locales and landmarks, travel to consider nature, legends or craftsmanship and pilgrimages†. As the Festival is such a notable occasion it most likely advances the travel industry in any event, when the celebration isn't entirely. The individuals who have known about the celebration might need to visit Glastonbury at different seasons. GFL know about the festival’s capacity to advance the travel industry in the neighborhood, expressed by the Commercial Manager, â€Å"the celebration brings a great deal of cash into the neighborhood, gives it a lift in tourism†(Commercial Manager of the Glastonbury Festival, 2001, refered to in Herbert, 2001). Nonetheless, Van Harssel (1994, refered to in Herbert, 2001) expressed that a more prominent degree of vacationer movement may cause expanded congestion and blockage, which in itself influences residents’ every day lives†. An examination by Herbert in 2001, into network interest in the arranging and the executives of the Glastonbury Festival, shows that one of the significant downsides perceived by the coordinators and occupants is traffic blockage. She proceeds to state; this can be upheld by Murphy (1985) who accepts that one of the most much of the time expressed aggravation for the host network inhabitants is blockage among the network. Such an enormous yearly deluge of celebration goers into the zone will effectively purpose substantial clog in such a little rustic region. Clearly this colossal celebration will have a negative effect, both financially and socially, to the neighborhood. The principle monetary downside of the celebration is the expense to the nearby network of managing wrongdoing and other related issues in reality outside the celebration site and the weight put on neighborhood administrations, for example, medical clinics and the police. This is affirmed by Mendip District Counci
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Forget Summer FOMO How to Feel Confident About Your Own Academic Choices
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Get Excited About Your Summer Plans and Goals Although the phrase â€Å"FOMO†may be relatively new, the idea of comparing yourself and your plans to those around you and worrying about falling short definitely isn’t. It’s human nature to want to join in and follow the group, but when it comes to preparing for college, students can’t be afraid to follow their own paths. Instead of keeping tabs on your friend’s vacation activities, take advantage of the summer to work towards your own academic and personal goals. Keep reading to learn more about how to cope with summer FOMO and feel empowered by the choices you are making for yourself. Write Down Your GoalsTake time to reflect on what you hope to accomplish during the next few months. Jot down any academic goals you have, such as studying for the SAT or ACT or checking a few books off of your summer reading list. Additionally, think about how you wish to grow as a student and future professional; are there skills from a job, internship, or summer course that you wish to pick up or expand upon? Write down 3-5 objectives and continue to refer back to this list of goals every week to remind yourself of what to focus on. Redirect Your FocusSocial media makes it easy to stay in the loop when it comes to your friend's activities. While there is nothing wrong with using Instagram or Snapchat to stay connected, limiting your time on social media can help you make space in your schedule to work towards your goals. Instead of honing in on what others are doing and comparing your schedule or experiences to theirs, let your own goals be the focus. By giving yourself the next few weeks to hone in on your goals and get a jumpstart on the next school year, it’s likely that you will have more time to catch up with friends once the school year begins. Think Long TermThe summer can be an excellent time to step back and see the big picture. For example, spending the next few weeks studying for the SAT might not feel like the most fun option, but building your test-taking skills will pay off throughout high school, college, and beyond. Whenever your motivation starts to wane, think about what you wish to accomplish in the next few years and how you can build a foundation for these big-picture goals now. Get Creative with RewardsAlthough it is important for high school students to plan productive summers, it’s equally essential to make time for some rest and relaxation. Think about activities that you enjoy and that help you unwind and continue to pencil in at least a few hours each week for some sort of recreation. Whether it’s a movie night with friends or a long hike, seek out activities that you enjoy throughout the summer. Turn it into InspirationIt’s often impossible to totally turn off feelings of FOMO or the tendency to compare yourself to others. Instead of letting these emotions weigh you down, use the exciting experiences your peers are participating in to inspire your own. If you’re feeling envious of a friend with a prestigious internship, look into similar opportunities that interest you and research what it takes to earn a spot. Even if it’s something you can't participate in until next summer, take note of the activities that you find interesting and work on making them a possibility for the future. It can be easy to get caught up in your friend's summer plans, but at the end of the day it’s most important to focus on your own academic journey. If you are preparing for college application season and looking for individualized input, our team of admissions counselors can create a plan just for you.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What Did the Ancient Romans Eat
In the modern U.S., the government issues dietary guidelines, with an ever-increasing number of fruits to be added to the meal plan. During the Roman Republic, the governments concern wasnt so much an ever-expanding waistline or other health issues. There were Sumtuariae Leges (sumptuary laws) designed to limit extravagance, including the amount spent on a given meal, which directly impacted how much wealthy Romans could eat at their meals. By the Imperial period, such laws were no longer in force. What Poor Romans Ate Regardless of sumptuary laws, poor Romans would eat mostly cereal grain at all meals as porridge or bread, for which the women engaged in a daily grain-to-flour grinding. They placed the hard kernels between a concave stone and a smaller one serving as a roller. This was called a thrusting mill. Later, they sometimes used a mortar and pestle. Grinding was unnecessary for quicker-cooking porridge. Here are two ancient recipes for porridge from On Agriculture, written by Cato the Elder (234-149 B.C.) from Lacus Curtius. The first porridge recipe (85) is Phoenician and involves fancier ingredients (honey, eggs, and cheese) than the simple Roman (86) recipe involving grain, water, and milk. 85 Pultem Punicam sic coquito. Libram alicae in aquam indito, facito uti bene madeat. Id infundito in alveum purum, eo casei recentis P. III, mellis P. S, ovum unum, omnia una permisceto bene. Ita insipito in aulam novam.85 Recipe for Punic porridge: Soak a pound of groats in water until it is quite soft. Pour it into a clean bowl, add 3 pounds of fresh cheese, 1/2 pound of honey, and 1 egg, and mix the whole thoroughly; turn into a new pot.86 Graneam triticeam sic facito. Selibram tritici puri in mortarium purum indat, lavet bene corticemque deterat bene eluatque bene. Postea in aulam indat et aquam puram cocatque. Ubi coctum erit, lacte addat paulatim usque adeo, donec cremor crassus erit factus.86 Recipe for wheat pap: Pour 1/2 pound of clean wheat into a clean bowl, wash well, remove the husk thoroughly, and clean well. Pour into a pot with pure water and boil. When done, add milk slowly until it makes a thick cream. By the late Republic period, it is believed that most people bought their bread from commercial bakeries. How We Know About Their Meals Food, like the weather, seems to be a universal topic of conversation, endlessly fascinating and a constant part of our lives. In addition to art and archaeology, we have information on Roman food from a variety of written sources. This incudes Latin material on agriculture, like the passages above from Cato, a Roman cookbook (Apicius), letters, and satire, such as the well-known banquet of Trimalchio. Some of this might lead one to believe the Romans lived to eat or followed the motto eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow you may die. However, most couldnt eat like that, and even most rich Romans would have eaten more modestly. Breakfast and Lunch Roman Style For those who could afford it, breakfast (jentaculum), eaten very early, would consist of salted bread, milk, or wine, and perhaps dried fruit, eggs, or cheese. It was not always eaten. The Roman lunch (cibus meridianus or prandium), a quick meal eaten around noon, could include salted bread or be more elaborate with fruit, salad, eggs, meat or fish, vegetables, and cheese. The Dinner Meal The dinner (cena), the main meal of the day, would be accompanied by wine, usually well-watered. The Latin poet Horace ate a meal of onions, porridge, and pancake. An ordinary upper-class dinner would include meat, vegetables, eggs, and fruit. Comissatio was a final wine course at dinners end. Just as today, the salad course may appear in different parts of the meal, so in ancient Rome the lettuce and the egg courses could be served first as the appetizer (gustatio or promulsis or antecoena) or later. Not all eggs were hens eggs. They could be smaller or sometimes larger, but they were a standard part of the dinner. The list of possible items for the gustatio is long. It includes exotic items like sea urchins, raw oysters, and mussels. Apples, when in season, were a popular dessert (bellaria) item. Other Roman dessert items were figs, dates, nuts, pears, grapes, cakes, cheese, and honey. Latin Names of the Meals The names of meals change over time and in various locations. In the U.S., dinner, lunch, and supper have meant different meals to different groups. The supper meal in the evening was known as vesperna in early Rome. The main meal of the day was known as the cena in the country and in early times in the city. Cena was eaten around midday and was followed by the lighter supper meal. Over time in the city, the heavy meal was pushed later and later, and so the vesperna was omitted. Instead, a light lunch or prandium was introduced between jentaculum and cena. The cena was eaten around sunset. Dinners and Dining Etiquette It is believed that during the Roman Republic, most women and the poor ate sitting on chairs, while upper-class males reclined on their sides on couches along three sides of a cloth-covered table (mensa). The three-sided arrangement is called the triclinium. Banquets might last for hours, eating and watching or listening to entertainers, so being able to stretch out without shoes and relax must have enhanced the experience. Since there were no forks, diners would not have had to worry about coordinating eating utensils in each hand. Sources Adkins, Lesley. Handbook to Life in Ancient Rome. Roy A. Adkins, Reprint Edition, Oxford Univerity Press, July 16, 1998. Cato, Marcus. On Agriculture. The University of Chicago. Cowell, Frank Richard. Everyday life in ancient Rome. Hardcover, B.T. Batsford, 1962. Lowrance, Winnie D. Roman Dinners and Diners. The Classical Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, JSTOR, November 1939. Smith, E. Marion. Some Roman Dinner Tables. The Classical Journal, Vol. 50, No. 6, JSTOR, March 1955. Smith, William 1813-1893. A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Charles 1797-1867 Anthon, Hardcover, Wentworth Press, August 25, 2016.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Religion in School Publicized or Privatized Essay example
There are many people in the world, in fact at this moment there are 6,877,185,416 with a newborn child gasping for its first breath every ten seconds. With that said many may follow a religion or worship a higher power. Not everyone follows the same religion as there are twelve major religions and over 1,200 around the world (Wilson, 2006, p.11). Having religion included in the public school system is one of the most difficult issues to debate. When should the separation of church and state come into play? The fact that not everyone holds the same religious faith brings up the question of whether religion should be either public or privatized in schools. This essay will explain the history and background of religion in public†¦show more content†¦This may be extremely offensive to non-religious students or students that follow a different religion than the one forced upon, which could ultimately bring numerous complaints from parents. School prayer has been a growing issue for many years because of this. Although the constitution grants us freedom of religion, many parents, families, and individuals, are against the practice of religion in public schools. Section III. – Liberal vs. Conservative Viewpoints A) LIBERAL STANDPOINT Liberalists feel that the government is meant to create ways to guarantee that its citizens are not in need, therefore, making it so that everyone has equal opportunities and freedoms. Today’s basic Liberal elitist would look at religion in public schools in a fairly negative way. Liberals believe that making prayer or any other religious activity a part of the school curriculum is both invasive and unconstitutional. Children and students, especially at younger ages in elementary school, are sponges for information. They will listen to adults and by having a daily prayer or practicing religion in school would make them feel as if they need to participate in it. Conservatives may argue that prayer and religion in public schools are completely voluntary, but what five to twelve year old child will view it that way? Liberalists believe that it is unconstitutional for schools to schedule worship as an official part ofShow MoreRelatedInternational Management67196 Words  | 269 Pagesto this book and specifically to this edition. Of course, instructors also have access to Create (www.mcgraw-hillcreate. com), McGraw-Hill’s extensive content database, which includes thousands of cases from major sources such as Harvard Business School, Ivey, Darden, and NACRA case databases. 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When he was near completion of his master of science degree, National transferred Jeff to one of its subsidiaries in Ireland to set up an engineering department. After a successful three years, Jeff returned to National s homeRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 PagesNunn for all the effort that she put in to the preparation of the manuscript. Strategic Marketing Management Planning, implementation and control Third edition Richard M.S. Wilson Emeritus Professor of Business Administration The Business School Loughborough University and Colin Gilligan Professor of Marketing Sheffield Hallam University and Visiting Professor, Northumbria University AMSTERDAM †¢ BOSTON †¢ HEIDELBERG †¢ LONDON †¢ NEW YORK †¢ OXFORD PARIS †¢ SAN DIEGO †¢ SAN FRANCISCO †¢ SINGAPORE
Moving to South Dakota Essay Example For Students
Moving to South Dakota Essay My life changed on February 2, 1996, when my father announced that he had decided we would move to Spearfish, South Dakota. He explained that his decision would ensure a more superior and promising future for our family. I could sense the seriousness in his voice, yet he sounded very positive. His posture was strong and his mind was made. A few days later, the journey to our new life began. Feelings of joy pulsed through my entire body as we began driving away from the place I had called home for the first four years of my life. The South Dakota boarder could not come fast enough. I was ecstatic to embark on this new adventure. Finally, after a seemingly neverending journey, we had arrived. I was in heaven! I was mesmerised by the beautiful Black Hills, the residents were welcoming and warm hearted. And best yet, the weather offered all four seasons. Immediately, I knew that this place would soon feel like home. Driving through the Black Hills was quite an experience. I had always dreamt of visiting a stunning place like that. The view was breathtaking. The mountains were enormous in size and appeared endless. They proceeded as far as the eye could see. Towering evergreens lined the mountains in dense clusters. It resembled a dreamy wonderland. There was a small but captivating waterfall in the crevice of one of the mountains. It produced gallons of fresh spring water that came rushing down to the stream below. Because fishing is so adored in South Dakota, the city would stock the streams every year. The Black Hills offer many outdoor activities, and it is a great way to meet new individuals with similar interests. My family enjoyed the fun and excitement the Black Hills had to offer. The residents all seemed to be happy, friendly, and kind. They would wave and greet one another, even if they were complete strangers. This was new to me, I had never seen anything like this before. Right away, I became friends with the other children around our neighborhood. I could sense the happy-go-lucky attitudes of each and every person I encountered. I fit right in, and it was a great feeling to be accepted so quickly. I instantly cherished these new friendships. We were innocent children. No one was looking to cause mischief or trouble, we were only worried about what game we could play next, or if the weather would allow us to go outside. This reassured me that South Dakota was going to be a perfect place to grow up. South Dakota displays all four seasons. This made it a great place to have fun all year round. The winters were long and frigid. A few feet of snowfall was pretty common, but that did not stop us. We would ride snowmobiles, ski, and snowboard all day long. My family and I also built towering snowmen, and participated in vicious snow ball fights. In spring, the weather began to warm up, the trees and grass started to grow, and green land soon replaced the dead vegetation. My schools sports team initiated our first practice for the upcoming season. In the summer, the weather was absolutely perfect! The temperature would hover around eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit, this was perfect shorts and shirt weather. My family and I would drive to the lake to go boating and cliff jumping. Summer has always been my favorite season. Fall really captured my attention. The trees exposed brilliant colors of leaves, such as: green, orange, yellow, pink, red, and purple. I had never seen such bright colors in all my life, it was peaceful and relaxing. My father made a rapid decision for our family to move. Luckily, we adjusted well and grew stronger and closer through our experience. It was our fresh start that forever changed our family for the better. We fell in love with the land and people so quickly. There is no word powerful enough to express how much I adore South Dakota.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The Life Cycle of Products free essay sample
In today’s market place, segmentation is a crucial strategy for nearly all successful companies around the world. A good example is Canon Corporation who makes a line of compact digital cameras. Now Canon sales for digital cameras have rapidly increased every year since they first introduce this line of camera. Canon’s whose continued growth must be attributed to larger profits margins and continued funding of research and development. Research and development is one of many keys to continued growth in a market place. As more people continue trying and purchasing these updated products, chances increase for repeat customers to continue coming back to Cannon for their photography needs. Canons photography segmentation market is divided into two major groups: demographic segmentation and psychographic segmentation. Today’s families and individuals, who are using photography to capture memories and important moments in their lives, are grouped under demographic segmentation. As for the psychographic segmentations it will include all professionals as well as skilled amateur photographers who enjoy the art of taking pictures. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life Cycle of Products or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As Canon’s product reaches the growth stage, they tend to have increased competition, and higher sales volume than opposed to the introductory stage. If I was to advise Canon it would be to focus on customer satisfaction and continued product improvement rather than profit margins. As Canon enters the growth stage, its competition with Sony and Samsung digital camera continues to divide the marketplace into the more features for your buck segment. Today, Canon has continued to enhance its current product line with advanced focus and wireless transfer capability. (DP Review, 2013) These developments of advanced technologies will allow them to venture into new areas of the marketplace while also attracting a new younger consumer base. Recently there has been a lot of discussion over these three brands and who will come out on top of the compact digital camera market. Hewlett-Packard (HP) newest tablet was designed for the businessman and government officials in mind. During the Introductory stage of the HP tablet computer, the sales were very low because of the Apple I-Pad competition. During this stage, the HP tablet had a few competitors such as Apple’s I-Pad platform, Amazon Kindle Fire, and Samsung Note 2 tablet. However, it turned out that Microsoft didnt manage to beat Apple to the punch and release a breathtaking tablet at the Annual Consumers electronics show. What HP unveiled was something like a portable phone yet as powerful and fast as a desk top PC. The HP tablet was basically, a color e-reader that runs on Amazon Kindle software, with few other details besides a low end price point of $500 dollars. As we enter the introductory stage of this tablet, there is going to be many ups and downs for HP. The Hewlett-Packard tablet computers were a demonstration of a great idea for those who are very busy and who dont have a whole lot of time to load up a laptop. This great idea should be promoted in places such as electronic shops listing all of the features on it, and demonstrated that it can do a lot more than any other tablets on the market. (hp, 2013) Therefore offering the product at lower prices than the competition will be a perfect marketing strategy to increase revenues and concentrate on offering replacement warranty in case of product malfunction. The infamous manual can opener has two major advantages over any other can opener on the market. First, theyre small, portable and easy to store in any drawer. Next, they dont require electricity to operate, so no cords and wall plugs to ever worry about. As for the downfall to manual can openers; they are harder to clean and more difficult to use. If you had strength issue, then it would not be your first choice. While more and more people are buying electric can openers, I would lower the price, and strength the material it is made from to improve its durability. There will always be a need for them as long as we have canned food on the shelves because they are small, cheap, and easy to store. Currently they do have small battery operated model that are easier for people with health problems to use, but what I like is my Pamper Chief model. (Pamper Chef, 2013) It was designed to cut the side of the can versus the top of the can allowing you to put the lid back on the can. During the decline stage of marketing sales drop dramatically so there are two things marketers can do. Either get rid of the product all together or harvest the product and keep it in the market just dont advertise it as often. The manual can opener should stay in the market so that if there is a customer that has a special request for the product it can still be found in the market. That way you are still meeting the customers’ needs and wants without having to spend extra money on advertisement. In the way of Pamper Chef, the cutting of the side of the can allows you to place the lid back on top of the can. This new market place caters to high end kitchen gadgets. So in conclusion I have learned in doing this assignment that if you use marketing principles for products such as the ones I have listed above, then you will be able to look at the growth, introduction, and the decline stages of each one. You will also know more about your revenue in these stages and what to expect when you market them. Next you must figure out where to market them and to whom you should focus on. Lastly you should determine how much to market each product so that the customer is always satisfied when looking for the products they want.
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